Prijavitelj in partner 1 / Applicant and Partner 1:
Društvo za kulturo odnosov SPES (gr. “spes ” – upanje) je bilo ustanovljeno februarja 2008 z namenom izboljšati kakovost socialnega življenja ljudi v Zgornji Savinjski regiji. Smo nevladna organizacija, ki izobražuje in vzpodbuja odrasle k zdravemu načinu življenja in k aktivni udeležbi v novih inovatvnih programih, ki vplivajo na višjo kakovost socialnega življenja posameznika. Programe izvajamo strokovnjaki s področja zdravstva ( Heda Zimšek, profesor zdravstvene vzgoje, Lidija Borak, diplomirana medicinska sestra, Tina Balog,, Renata Roban, dipl.m.s., spec. ZDT), s področja sociale (Tjaša Vengušt, univ.dipl.soc.del.), s področja šolstva ( Barbara Prodnik, profesor biologije) in drugi. S povezovanjem različnih generacij v ustvarjalno učenje vzpodbujamo občutek pripadnosti starejših in večjo strpnost med mladimi. To dosegamo s projekti , ki ponujajo ljudem možnost izobraževanja ( tečaji prve pomoči, delavnice učenja uporabe defibrilatorja, delavnice za zdrav način življenja), možnost vključitve v programe družinske terapije ( nudenje individualnih in družinskih terapij, skupine za samopomoč, šola za starše, ciklusi predavanj na temo partnerskega odnosa), medgeneracijskega sodelovanja (Medgeneracijsko sožitje, Za lepši jutri, Z društvi domačega kraja). Dosedanje projekte smo financirali iz različnih virov: iz sredstev MDDSZ – Ministrstva za družino, MKGP- Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano, in lokalnih skupnosti- občin (več v prilogi št. 2). Z objavami v lokalnih medijih in javnimi dogodki naše delo vseskozi predstavljamo javnosti in lokalnim občinam.
Naše delo zajema tudi raziskovalno delo in strokovno izobraževanje za zaposlene v zdravstvu, šolstvu in sociali. Zanje organiziramo seminarje, delavnice in team buildinge. V okviru te dejavnosti smo v oktobru 2012 uspešno izvedli peti dvodnevni simpozij Medsebojni odnosi v zdravstvu, z mednarodno udeležbo, ki je potekal v Logarski dolini.
Pri svojem delu se nenehno srečujemo s stiskami ljudi, ki v okviru obstoječih nacionalnih programov ne morejo zadovoljiti vseh svojih socialnih potreb. Ravno v zadovoljitvi te potrebe ljudi vidimo svojo nadaljnjo vlogo in jo vključujemo v pričujoči projekt. Projekt je nastal na našo pobudo, pripravili smo idejni zapis projekta, razpisno dokumentacijo, opravili komunikacijo s partnerskima organizacijama, prevzemamo vodenje projekta in koordinacijo mobilnosti slovenskih udeležencev.
Society for Cultural Relations SPES (Gr. “spes” – hope) was founded in February 2008 with the purpose of improving the quality of social life in the Upper Savinja region. We are a non-governmental organisation that educates and stimulates adults to a healthy way of life and an active participation in new innovative programs that influence a higher quality of an individual’s social life. These programs are carried out by professionals from the field of medicine (Heda Zimšek, prof. of health education, Lidija Borak, graduate med. nurse, Tina Balog, M.D., Renata Roban, graduate med. nurse and a specialised marriage and family therapist), social care (Tjaša Vengušt, MSW), education (Barbara Prodnik, prof. of Biology) etc. By connecting different generations in creative learning, we stimulate a sense of belongness in elderly people and higher tolerance among the young. This is achieved by projects that offer people the opportunity of education (first aid training, workshops, learning the use of a defibrillator, workshops on healthy lifestyle), programs on family therapy (providing individual and family therapy, self-help groups, school for parents, cycles of lectures on partnership), intergenerational cooperation (Intergenerational Harmony, For a Better Tomorrow, Alongside With Hometown Associations). Our past projects were funded from different sources, the funds of Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Family, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, and local municipalities (more in Annex no. 2). We present our work to the public and local municipalities through publications in the local media and public events.
Our work includes research and education for employees in health, education and social care. We organize seminars, workshops and team building programs. We successfully carried through the fifth two-day symposium called Relationships in Health Care with international participation, held in the Logarska dolina Valley in October 2012.
In our work we meet with the hardship of people who cannot satisfy all of their social needs within the existing national programs. It is precisely the satisfaction of these people’s needs where we see our future role and therefore include it in this project. The project began on our initiative; we prepared the conceptual note of the project and contract documents, we have established communication with partner organizations and took over the project management and coordination of mobility of the Slovenian participants
Partner 2:
Newry and Mourne Carers Association was established in 1987 to support Family Carers. As a key local registered charity, Newry & Mourne Carers has strived for 25 years to provide coal-face support and respite to Family Carers in the Newry & Mourne Area. We were the first carers service in Ireland and have always been user led. We cater for the general well being of family carers by providing them support, different services and education programmes. We strive to: Provide high quality support services to carers; Promote the rights of carers and advocate on their behalf; Work in partnership with a range of voluntary, private and statutory agencies to enhance the lot of carers; Promote relevant services for carers; Provide information and training for carers and service providers; .Provide friendship and a listening ear. We do this by working with family carers directly and by engaging with other caring organisations in a two way process to maximise service provision to family carers.
Partner 3:
The Roscommon Young Carers Project is attached to the Roscommon Leader Partnership which is a local developmental organisation that brings together projects including rural enterprise, development, social inclusion and works for the betterment of the people of Roscommon. This includes the delivery of the Rural Development Programme (LEADER) and the Local Development Social Inclusion Programme (LCDP). Other initiatives are funded by the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and other Departments/Agencies in Ireland/ EU are also delivered by the company.
The Roscommon Young Carers Project was formed in 2011 with the aims of providing support, advocacy and respite to the ever growing number of young family carers. We would like to give young carers the opportunity to be young people, to give them a break from their caring responsibilities, to develop cross border relationships and explore various cultures and histories in both Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland – a cooperation borne out of mutual caring backgrounds. We have developed our activities by the help of Newry & Mourne Carers Ltd. which we have identified as a model of best practice. Our team is working as an independent group in the local organisation Roscommon LEADER Partnership which is a non-profit local company, funded from Leader programme (European programme for rural development). We have 1 employed staff member, and 8 people who work as volunteers.