- 22. marec 2014 / 22nd of March 2014 – Logarska dolina
- 14. junij 2014 / 14th of June 2014 – Newry
- 15. november 2014 / 15th of November 2014 – Mozirje
- 3. april 2015/ 3rd of April 2015 – Roscommon
Sporočilo za javnost…
V petek, 21. marca 2014, je v dvorani šport centra Prodnik, v občini Ljubno, potekala konferenca z naslovom »Začnimo zdaj.«. Organizator je bilo Društvo za kulturo odnosov SPES iz Zgornje Savinjske doline. Potekala je v okviru projekta »Začnimo zdaj. Nevladne organizacije se povezujemo, da zagotovimo večjo socialno varnost posameznika.«, ki ga financira EU program Grundtvig. Projekt vodi društvo SPES, v njem sodelujeta še dva irska partnerja.
Konference se je udeležilo 47 predstavnikov različnih nevladnih in vladnih organizacij iz Zgornje Savinjske doline, Velenja, Polzele in Celja. Med njimi so bili predstavniki občin, Centra za socialno delo, Splošne bolnice Celje, Varstveno-delovnega centra, osnovnih šol in društev, ki delujejo na področju sociale ali dela s starejšimi. Konferenca je bila namenjena obravnavi problematike skrbnikov, s katerimi se v Sloveniji sistematično še nihče ne ukvarja. So pa to ljudje, ki so zaradi skrbi za svoje najbližje, prikrajšani za marsikaj v življenju. Med njimi je tudi veliko otrok, ki ob bolnih starših ali sorojencih, nimajo priložnosti zaživeti sproščenega in zdravega otroštva.
Na konferenci so predstavniki dveh organizacij, iz Severne Irske (Velika Britanija) in Republike Irske, predstavili svoje delovanje – kako skrbijo za skrbnike, kakšno podporo in programe jim nudijo ter kako financirajo svoje dejavnosti. S prisotnimi so podelili svoje izkušnje in spoznanja, ki so si jih nabrali tekom 25-letnega dela. Vsi udeleženci so si bili enotni, da je potrebno tovrstno dejavnost vpeljati tudi pri nas. Potrebno je povezati nevladne in vladne organizacije ter pripraviti skupen program. Društvo SPES ga želi pripraviti v sklopu tega projekta za območje Zg. Savinjske doline, kot »pilotni projekt«.
Irish report…
The conference “Let us start now” was dedicated to presentation of Irish projects in the field of carers support. And to gather local organisations into common efforts of introducing carers support also in Slovenia. 47 people participated, among them there were local majors, local NGOs, local Social Centre, social workers from schools, staff from the regional hospital. After the presentations in the morning, there was also a round table for a discussion on how to start with such a new subject in Slovenian local area.
The purpose of the conference was to deliver an insight of The Roscommon Young Carer’s Community Development Programme, Maureen Connelly presented a presentation of the young carer’s group, on the establishment of the young Carer’s and the fun day activity outing, the fundraising aspects of the group were also shared and the purpose to deliver a high quality practice in children’s services and schools the good practice and ideas of the established projects in Ireland where shared. Bernie Doweling from the Roscommon Adult Carer’s Association also gave a presentation of the Adult services provided in Southern Ireland, the above projects where shared at the conference to the participants where it is hoped the introduction of corers support services will also be implemented in the Slovenia sector.
The meeting concluded with a questions and answer session where ideas and any concerns where addressed in relation to the above stated projects.
Gostitelj Newry & Mourne Carers je pripravil “potujočo konferenco”. Vsak dan so udeleženci slovenskega delovnega obiska prisostvovali predstavitvam različnih lokalnih organizacij. V popoldanskem času so bila organizirana strokovna srečanja, temu so sledili ogledi dobrih praks.
A conference was held to demonstrate the range of charities and community groups Newry & Mourne worked with and how joint working maximised benefit. Participants have had expert meetings and later on visited some examples of good praxis.
Conference was organised by Maureen Connelly Roscommon Leader Partnership and Bernie Dowling Roscommon Carers Association. This meeting involved community organisations, 78 participants attended the conference. Participating organisations were strategically chosen as examples for our Slovenian Partners with the hope that these organisations could be replicated in Slovenia and be a great asset to their community.
The conference was dedicated to the presentation of Irish projects in the field of Community Supports. Representatives from local NGOs, LCDP Community Facilitators, HSE Hospice Nurse, Local Disability Facilitators, IRISH Prison Service, Citizen Information carers Association Elected Representative.
The conference delivered an insight of The RLP/TCA and Community Development Programmes.
There were presentations of local community groups and agencies who deliver support services in the local community. They shared ideas on the delivery of a high quality practice in social educational and integration services, good practice and ideas of the established projects in Southern Ireland which could be established in Slovenia as well.
Organizator Medgeneracijski center Celje in Ana Špat. Irski gostji Maureen Connely in Bernie Dowling sta predstavili programe za mlade in odrasle oskrbovalce, ki jih izvajajo njune organizacije Roscommon Young Carers in Roscommon Carers Association. Poleg tega sta orisali še različne oblike sodelovanja z lokalnimi skupinami in podjetji ter opisali primer centra za obiskovalce zapora Castlerea.
Prisotnih je bilo devet udeležencev: predstavniki društva Spes, Medgeneracijskega centra Celje, Hospic Celje, Zavod za raziskave, razvoj in izobraževanje v Celju, Krizni center za mlade, Patronažno varstvo Celje, Regijsko študijsko središče.
Organised by Intergenerational Centre Celje and Ana Špat. Irish guest Maureen Connelly Roscommon Leader Partnership and Bernie Dowling Roscommon Carers Association presented their programmes for young and adult carers. Apart from that they also gave insight into collaboration with local groups and local enterprises. At the end they presented the Visitor Centre of the prison Castlerea.
There were nine participants, representatives of the Society Spes, Intergenerational Centre Celje, Hospic Celje, Organisation for research, development and education Celje, Crisis Centre for Young, Patronage nurses Celje, Regional Study Centre.
Website www.drustvo-spes.si represents the applicant Society Spes and the partnership of the Grundtvig project. We publish news for Slovenian public, want to spread voice about new ideas and stimulate the collaboration.
Action plan for the development of new social programmes in Upper Savinja Valley 2014-2020 is prepared with the aim to integrate certain activities into local development. The main objective is to help carers and older people with the delivery of psychological support, support by personal development, organisational and expert help. It is planned to introduce three programmes: Centre for Young Carers, Good Morning Good Neighbour, summer workshops for children. The plan is a basis for new projects and for raising funds in suitable calls.